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Firehouse Garden Club

The Firehouse Garden Club originally began in 2005. The concept was to showcase the local and regional wildflowers and grasses found in and around our Arrowhead community.

Members within our community are excited to announce that there is a renewed interest with reassembling the Firehouse Garden Club, Wildflower Walks and noxious weed identification.  Once the winter season is behind us and the snow is gone, we will organize to clean up the Firehouse Garden and carry forth the effort and dedication that the previous club members did before us. We are extremely grateful for the early efforts of the Firehouse Garden Club participants, especially Dee Sedgwick for leading the way and Linda Dysart for documenting the club’s development with her photos and words. 

We welcome you to come visit the Firehouse Garden, sit a while, and enjoy the changing of the seasons.


Many thanks to Linda Dysart for her flower images and identifications!  To view Linda’s photos, click on Arrowhead Wildflower Identification.

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