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Arrowhead Election Committee

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Purpose: Oversee and conduct elections of Board members or other elections in which property owners vote.


Board Liaison: Keith Dalton (


*Committee Members: Diana Soong, Bridget Isle and Millie Fowler.


Committee Members Email:

According to the AIA Covenants, owners shall be entitled to one vote for each site owned.  When more than one person or entity (Trust, LLC, Partnership or other form of legal entity) owns a site, the owners must designate, in writing, the individual who will exercise their vote.  The designated voter's name must be on file in the AIA office.   Please include the lot, block and filing of the property as well as the designated voter's current address.  If this designation is already on file, and no changes have been made, it is not necessary to resubmit annually.


If you have moved or changed addresses, please make sure the AIA office has a current address on file.

2024 AIA Board Member Election

Make your vote Count.jpg

At the May 18th, 2024 AIA Board meeting, the Election Committee BOD Liaison, Keith Dalton announced that it’s time to seek candidates for the 2024 AIA Board of Directors’ election. There are two (2) positions, each 3-year terms to be filled. The terms begin in January 2025.


If you are interested in serving your Arrowhead community as a Board Member, please send a Letter of Intent to the AIA Elections Committee, at:


Your letter must be received no later than Friday, August 16th, 2024 by 5:00PM MDT. This is the day before the Annual Owners Meeting on Saturday the 17th. It is customary for the candidates to introduce themselves to the assembled owners at that meeting.


Ballots for the 2024 election will be mailed Thursday, October 11th and must be returned, postmarked by Tuesday November 26th, 2024.


Property owners' dues and/or assessments must be current by Saturday September 28th, 2024 in order to receive a ballot. If you have moved or changed addresses, please make sure the AIA office has a current address on file.


According to the AIA Covenants, owners shall be entitled to one vote for each site owned. When more than one person or entity (Trust, LLC, Partnership or other form of legal entity) owns a site, the owners must designate, in writing, the individual who will exercise their vote. The designated voter's name must be on file in the AIA office by Saturday September 28th, 2024. Please include the lot, block and filing of the property as well as the designated voter's current address. If this designation is already on file, and no changes have been made, it is not necessary to send in one for this year.


If you have any questions, please email the AIA Election Committee at:


The 2024 AIA Election Committee consists of Arrowhead owners Diana Soong, Bridget Isle and Millie Fowler.  Any other owners interested in serving our Arrowhead community as an Election Committee member please contact Election Committee Board Liaison, Keith Dalton:

AIA Election Assessment Results 2024.png

CLICK HERE for the Assessment

Election Results

Board of Directors Election Update as of November 11, 2023


Board candidates affirmed to succeed:


At the Regular Board Meeting on Saturday, November 11, 2023, incumbents Brad Fowler and Bill Brassfield were affirmed by majority vote to retain their Board of Director seats for 3-year terms beginning in January 2024 (AIA Bylaws Article 2, 2.5).


In the coming summer of 2024, the Election Committee will be seeking candidates for two Board member seats. Two incumbents will be ineligible to apply due to term limit requirements (AIA Bylaws Article 2, 3.3).  Please consider serving our Arrowhead community by becoming a member of the Board of Directors.


If you have any questions, please email the AIA Election Committee at:


The 2023 AIA Election Committee consists of Arrowhead owners Diana Soong, Bridget Isle and Millie Fowler.  Any other owners interested in serving our Arrowhead community as an Election Committee member please contact Election Committee Board Liaison, Keith Dalton: .


AIA Bylaws Article 2, 2.5 - Voting Procedures for Site Owners:

D. Regarding uncontested elections for the Board, the candidates may be affirmed to succeed by a majority vote of the Board.


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